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strange guy • 1 year ago

A case that I’m not gonna remember as much

bari • 2 years ago

the audacity of the killer :D

moonclaw longtail • 2 years ago

Edogowa Conan, death magnet and also cat-nip for dogs.

LesK • 1 year ago

shinigami and wanwan-chan attractant. :D

JD • 2 years ago

It's so strange that all the comments disappeared.

Muhammad Shahir • 2 years ago

gogoanime website cleaning comment section.

LesK • 1 year ago

running across the boats like that, too obvious somebody's been training in parkour and especially running across the tops of boats. plus, there would be a crazy large amount of evidence on that boat, GSR on the suspect's hands, wrists, forearms etc. plus shoe prints on the present, scuffmarks and shoeprints on the boats, where did the ammo come from? where's the VP's car? who stole it and from where? his house? canvass the area for home security cameras, street n intersection cameras, other cameras, eyewitnesses, people in her apartment complex and security cameras there as well... the various directions this investigation needs to go are myriad. also, he just confessed to a crime, confine him for the 10 days as permitted by Japanese National Law... the cops don't even need to arrest him formally, Japan doesn't have a habeas corpus law that comes into effect immediately like the American system does. then he wouldn't have been brained to death.

also, why is the victim's nail-polish on her poodle's claws?

poor Takagi... his ass smelled like the poodle's doggy food so she gave him a taste test. ;) Sato-chwan is going to have to wub wub wub some ointment on his boo-boo tonight. ;) bwahahahah! :D